Terms of use

Terms of use

The following usage regulations apply to the rowing center and the finish tower, which must be accepted by the users of the rowing center.

This Terms of Use come into force on 01.05.2024 and replace the previous directives from 01.05.2018

These Terms of Use apply to the Rowing Centre at the Rotsee, governing the rights and obligations of those using the rowing centre as well as the adjacent Rotsee Meadow, the lakeshore and the lake. They comply with the Regulation on the Protection of the Rotsee and its shores of 30th April 2013.

In addition, the Rules and Regulations for Sport (Addendum 1) and for the Rules on the Water (Addendum 2) are included in this Terms of Use.

As a tenant, The Four-Forest Bilingual International School will adopt their own Rules and Regulations based on the Terms of Use. This is to be approved by the Foundation Board.

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Users are:

  • Members of the Swiss Rowing Federation for training purposes;
  • Participants and organisers of national and international regattas;
  • Persons belonging and visitors to the Four-Forest Bilingual International School;
  • The Rowing Centre’s other users, visitors and suppliers with permission from the Rowing Centre Lucerne – Rotsee Foundation.

Use of the facilities is only for an agreed purpose and permitted during the allocated time of use.

It is important to take into account that according to the Regulation on the Protection of the Rotsee and its shores of 30th April 2013, rowing on the Rotsee is restricted between May 1st and October 15th. No rowing is permitted on the Rotsee outside this period.


All users and visitors are called upon to use the premises, equipment and facilities in an orderly fashion and to treat them with care as well as to respect the Terms of Use including the Rules and Regulations of the centre and the Rules on the Water.

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The scope of use and the rent are determined in the respective rental agreement.

Other Users

External rowing clubs and other users must register before using the Rowing Centre (at least 5 working days before). For the use of the facilities, a user fee is charged.

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The boathouses, material rooms, technical facilities and various multi-purpose rooms are located on the ground floor on the east side of the building. Access is through the sliding doors or the entrance doors on the east side and at the staircase to the upper floor.

Access to the upper floor is located in the centre of the building. In the eastern part of the upper floor, mainly offices or schoolrooms as well as the changing rooms and sanitary facilities for the regatta and for school use are located. When not in use for regattas, the premises are rented out to the Four Forest Bilingual International School with the exception of a changing room. During this time, unauthorized persons have no access to the premises.

In the western part of the upper floor there is a training room as well as changing rooms and sanitary facilities for training and for use during regattas. When a regatta takes place, the training room is converted into a dining room. When not in use for a regatta, the training room is rented out to the Swiss Rowing Association. The association regulates access independently.

Building Access

Only those users as stated under clause 2 have access to the building. Access to the building is controlled by an electronic locking system. Access to the changing rooms and toilets is only possible between 05.30 and 21.30.

Boathouses on Ground Floor

When no regatta is taking place, the boathouses are solely intended for the storage of rowing boats and the regatta material and are therefore rented out to the Regatta Association, the Swiss Rowing Association and Lucerne rowing clubs (Seeclub Luzern, Ruderclub Reuss Luzern and Ruderclub Rotsee).

During the regatta, all storage areas and multi-purpose facilities designated for the regatta are at the disposal of the regatta organisation.



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All access to the centre is via Rotseestrasse. From the gate on, a general driving ban applies. Access to the premises is only for the tenants of the rowing centre with a reserved parking space on the east side of the building, already registered boat transport or trailers for the purposes of loading and unloading boats as well as the rowing centre’s suppliers. Gate operation works using a badge or typing in a number code.

The permanent parking or parking of trailers and vehicles on the square in front of and on both sides of the rowing centre is prohibited. The road to and from the centre must be kept clear for emergency vehicles at all times.

The parking of two-wheeled vehicles is only permitted in the defined zones.

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The Rotsee Meadow, the shores of the lake and the lake belong to the general public. However, they may be used by those using the Rowing Centre for their specific purposes in compliance with the regulation for the protection of the Rotsee and its shores.

Bathing in the lake outside of the public baths in Ebikon is prohibited.

There is a driving ban on all paths around the Rotsee. Any transit with vehicles of any kind, including bicycles is strictly forbidden. For exceptions, a permit from the city of Lucerne or the municipality of Ebikon is required.

Rowing on the lake is regulated by means of specific Rules on the Water (Addendum 2).

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The Finish Tower is, in principle, available only to the organisers of the regatta and its use must be assumed before each regatta and then returned again. The Foundation guarantees access for the handover. The event organiser is responsible for access to the Finish Tower until use thereof is returned. On its return, the responsibility is assumed once again by the Foundation. Until use of the finish tower is handed back, the organizer is responsible for access. With its return, the responsibility is handed back to the Foundation.

Exceptions for the use of the target tower by the national team for training purposes can be requested from the Foundation. With this approval, access to the tower is also controlled.

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For damages caused by non-compliance with the rules, the guilty party is personally liable.

The Rowing Centre Lucerne – Rotsee Foundation assumes no liability for damages of any kind or theft on the grounds or in the buildings.

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